Current News (just a peek at the various works we undertake)
Over this past year Columbia has again worked with the District of Summerland undertaking Construction Environmental Management Plans (CEMPs) for the proposed Summerland Solar & Storage Project near Cartwright Mountain. Columbia was also contracted to undertake a Habitat Restoration Plan (HRP) for the Solar Site. We continue to work for our clients at the Hunter Hill Residential Development, Oasis Residential Lakeshore Development and Skaha Hills in Penticton. In addition Columbia was recently awarded the Phase I Environmental Assessment and is excited to be working with the Saulteau First Nations again near Moberly Lake, BC.
February 2022 Penticton Airport
Columbia is currently working on behalf of the BC Wildfire Service and numerous Private Owners to conduct environmental assessments of leased lands at the Penticton Airport. Lease renewals often require assessments to ensure compliance with Federal Regulatory guidelines.
December 2021 Skaha Hills Development
Columbia is again working on behalf of the Penticton Indian Band to undertake QEP Environmental Monitoring for the Skaha Hills Development in Penticton. The Band’s renewed commitment for environmental protection called for a change of direction with regard to their construction and subcontractor services.
Over this past year Columbia has worked with the District of Summerland undertaking Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs) for the proposed Summerland Solar & Storage Project near Cartwright Mountain. Columbia was also contracted by the Okanagan Nation Alliance, to undertake a field assessment for a Human Health and Ecological Risk Assessment of the K’emcnitkw Chinook Ponds on IR#1. In addition we completed several Phase I/Stage I and Phase II/Stage II Environmental Assessments of family owned and operated independent fuel distribution centers (Gas Stations and Card Locks) from Summerland to Midway, BC. Finally, Columbia, in association with Keystone Environmental and PGL, worked with Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC) on sections of the Alaska Hwy north of Ft St John to Watson Lake in the Yukon. Environmental audits and Phase II ESA’s were completed for Alaska Highway maintenance camps and former road building camps going back to the early 1940’s.
Over the past year Columbia has undertaken Environmental Monitoring or QEP Services for the Summerland Hunter Hill Development, Oasis Condominium Development on Lakeshore Drive, complex Osoyoos RAPR reporting for Undue Hardship, Phase I and II Assessments for the BC Housing Corporation in Penticton and Castlegar, as well as Environmental Impact Assessments for an apartment complex on Green Avenue in Penticton.