Frequently Asked Questions
1. Why do I need a Phase / Stage I or an Environmental Assessment?
Property buyers and owners, commercial lending institutions and developers realize the potential for environmental liabilities associated with specific types of industry, development, and land use. A Phase I ESA will identify the potential risks, liabilities, damages, and potential extensive clean-up costs associated with the property to provide you with the information needed to make informed decisions on real estate holdings.
Additional information can be found here
2. Where can I get more information on Residential Heating Oil Storage Tanks?
Underground Storage Tanks: A Refresher #434. This information can be found here.
3. What activities does the Riparian Areas Protection Regulation (RAPR) apply to?
The RARR applies to activities requiring permitting or approval from some local governments including:
- removal, alteration, disruption or destruction of vegetation;
- disturbance of soils;
- construction or erection of buildings and structures (including decks and patios);
- creation of non-structural impervious or semi-pervious surfaces (Patios, sidewalks, etc);
- flood protection works;
- construction of roads, trails, docks, wharves and bridges;
- provision and maintenance of sewer and water works;
- development of drainage systems;
- development of utility corridors; and
- subdivision.
It does not apply to institutional or parkland development, nor does it apply to mining activities or First Nation reserve lands. It does apply to agricultural lands, but specific regulations apply.
Additional information can be found here