Impact Screening Assessments
Environmental Assessment (EA) is a process for predicting, evaluating, mitigating, monitoring, and managing environmental effects of a proposed project. EAs are used as a planning tool to help guide decision making, as well as project design and implementation.
The vast majority of Provincial and Federal EAs, or Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA) as they are also known, are undertaken using a “screening” level of assessment. Screenings will vary in time, length, and depth of analysis depending on the circumstances of the proposed project, the existing environment, and the likely environmental effects. Some screenings may require only a brief analysis of the available information and brief report; others may need new background studies and will be more thorough and rigorous.
Columbia is well versed in the needs of our clients and we have completed numerous assessments for linear developments, such as highways, remediation of landfills and contaminated sites, as well as proposed development projects.